The Dutch Journalism Fund (Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek) encourages the quality, diversity and independence of journalism by promoting the renewal of journalistic infrastructure in the Netherlands trough funding programs, sharing knowledge and trends about the sector, hosting events and conducting research.

Our team consists of approximately 80 people, including 6 board members, 19 staff members, and a large group of freelancers who work as mentors or program makers in our grant programs.

The Dutch Journalism Fund is an independent administrative body (ZBO) and receives an annual contribution from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, from which all our activities are financed.

Grant programs

Throughout the year we open various programs for grant applications. We pay special attention to local journalism, investigative journalism and innovation. Through our Accelerator innovation program, we support start-ups and existing companies that are innovating journalism with their project. Follow the Money, Local Focus and De Correspondent, among others, were able to set up or further develop their project with the support of the Fund.

The investigative journalism program is a program since 2018. This program is intended for the establishment and expansion of investigative editorial offices throughout the Netherlands. With this pilot we are looking for a way to structurally support investigative journalism in the Netherlands. With our other pilot program, professionalization of local public media services, various local public broadcasters are supported with funding and coaching in professionalizing their journalistic organization. From the start of the pilot program, march 2019 , it will be examined on how and with what financial resources local public broadcasters can best be supported by government.


The Dutch Journalism Fund also focuses on doing own research. For example, intensive research was carried out into news ecosystems in the four largest cities in the Netherlands, at the beginning of 2018 news use and supply around the 2018 municipal elections were mapped and regional news provision was examined in several studies. ‘De Stand van de Nieuwsmedia’ provides continuous insight into information such as circulation, viewing and reach figures of Dutch journalism. In 2015, a large-scale scenario study was conducted into the future of journalism in 2025.

Knowledge sharing

The website shares knowledge from research and experiences from projects we support with our readers. We also publish on developments and trends in innovation and research. This knowledge is also shared during events we host , such as Media van Morgen and theme evenings about investigative journalism, local journalism and innovation.


Do you have any questions about the Dutch Journalism Fund? Please contact us at +31703617111 or