
Spark Narration opening and exhibition

To proudly announce the results of Spark Narration, on Wednesday May 24, Aced and Verspers organise a public event and opening of the exhibition at Eye Filmmuseum.

On May 24 and May 25, talents Chetana Pai, Connor McMullen, Eva van der Zand, Giulia Pompilj, Polina Slavova, Sarah Saleh, Tirzah Baank and Zippora Martosoewando will show their work at Eye Filmmuseum. You are cordially invited!

The projects are the result of a 6 month artistic and investigative journey as part of the Spark Narration program, initiated by ACED and VersPers.


19:00 audience arrives
19:30 welcome by Geesje van Haren and Noortje van Eekelen
19:40 explanation about the merger of art and journalism
20:00 presentations by Chetana Pai, Connor McMullen, Eva van der Zand, Giulia Pompilj, Polina Slavova, Sarah Saleh, Tirzah Baank and Zippora Martosoewando.
21:00 drinks and exhibition

On Thursday May 25, from 10:00 — 18:00 the exhibition will be open to the public too. Please note that there will be no lectures on this day.

The theme of Spark Narration is Suriname in Amsterdam Noord, a theme about which relevant and new stories can be told from a variety of perspectives that enrich the historiography of the Netherlands from a local-international perspective.

About Spark Narration
Spark Narration is a talent program by ACED and VersPers, where designers, artists and journalists collaborate on experimental media productions and new narrative forms at A Lab. The experts Juhee Hahm, Luke Rideout, Lucas Hendricks (A Lab), Alice Wong, Jaasir Linger, Serginho Stekkel, Isabelle Britto (The Black Archives), Sophie Almanza (Makers van Amsterdam Noord) en Thieu Custers (De Waag) gave readings, workshops and advice.

Weekly coaching has been provided by Isaura Sanwirjatmo, Geesje van Haren and Noortje van Eekelen. Emma van den Hof and Yifan Yaing took care of the production of the program.

Curious to join? Get your ticket for the public event on May 24 (drink included) via Eventbrite. Please note that we only have 65 spots available.

Spark Narration is supported by Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst and sponsored by Stimuleringsfonds voor de Journalistiek.

  • Datum
    24 mei / 25 mei 2023
  • Locatie
    IJpromenade 1
    1031 KT Amsterdam
  • Organisator
    ACED en Verspers